In this course, you will learn about Solid State for CSIR NET, GATE and IIT JAM. You will learn about unit cell, crystal lattice, coordination number, interfacial angles, classification of unit cells, primitive and non-primitive unit cells, lattice point per unit cell, coordinate representation, 2D representation of unit cells, location of tetrahedral voids in FCC, face diagonal and body diagonal in unit cell, packing fraction, density of unit cell, relationship between distance, unit cell length, radius, structures of ionic solids, Miller Indices, Bragg’s Equation, Allowed Reflection Rule, and much more.
Solid State|Unit cell|Crystal lattice|Coordination number|Interfacial angles|CSIR-NET GATE IIT-JAM.
Classification of unit cell|Primitive unit cell|Non primitive cell|Lattice point per unit cell.
Classification of unit cell on the basis of length and interfacial angles|Coordinate representation.
2D representation of unit cells|Tetrahedral and octahedral voids in FCC|Location|Solid state.
Location of tetrahedral voids in FCC|Face diagonal and body diagonal in unit cell|Solid state.
Packing Fraction|Density of unit cell|Relationship between distance|unit cell length|radius.
Structures of ionic solids|NaCl|CsCl|Fluorites|Anti Fluorites|Zinc blende|Pervoskite in hindi.
Miller Indices for crystal structures|Miller indices planes and directions|Solid State|Chemistry.
Bragg's equation|Angle between Planes|Interplanar Distance between planes|Allowed Reflection rule.