Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with R

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Certificate Available
2-3 hours worth of material


R and time series analysis go together hand-in-hand. In this course, you'll learn how to effectively use R and the forecast package to practice time series analysis and work on real-world projects and data.

The R language and software environment are key when producing and analyzing time series data. In this course, Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with R, you’ll learn how to apply modern day time series models on real-world data. First, you'll discover how to design time series models containing trend or seasonality. Next, you'll delve further into models, such as ARIMA, exponential smoothing, and neural networks. Finally, you'll learn how to visualize time series interactively with dygraphs. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the necessary knowledge to apply standard time series models on a univariate time series.

  • Course Overview
  • Using R for Time Series Analysis
  • Modeling Unemployment Rates
  • Forecasting Inflation Rates
  • Predicting Sales Using Neural Networks
  • Course Summary and Further Learning

Taught by

Martin Burger