Data Analytics in Accounting Capstone

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3 weeks long, 19 hours worth of material


This capstone is the last course in the Data Analytics in Accountancy Specialization. In this capstone course, you are going to take the knowledge and skills you have acquired from the previous courses and apply them to a real-world problem.

You will be provided with a loan dataset from Lending Club which is the largest peer-to-peer lending platform. You will explore the characteristics of the features in the dataset through statistical analysis, exploratory data analysis and visualization. You will also create a machine learning model to predict whether a loan will be fully paid or not. Finally, you will construct a portfolio with the help of your analysis. The goal is to create a portfolio that achieves better return than the overall return of all loans on the Lending Club platform.


  • Week 1
    • In this module, you will become familiar with the course, your instructor and your classmates, and our learning environment. This orientation will also help you obtain the technical skills required to navigate and be successful in this course. You will also learn how Lending Club works, get familiar with the loan dataset and explore the characteristics of features in the dataset.
  • Week 2
    • In this module, you will prepare data for a classification model; then train the model and predict whether a loan will be fully paid with the model. Finally, you will evaluate your model.
  • Week 3
    • In this module, you will construct a loan portfolio with the help of the analysis done in Module 1 and the classification model created in Module 2.You will also explore other ways to improve the portfolio return.

Taught by

Linden Lu