Advocacy is one of the most powerful ways that non-profit organizations can create large-scale social change. When advocacy is successful, an organization can achieve far greater impact than through direct service delivery. However, advocacy is an unpredictable adventure, requiring clear thinking, skill, and luck.
Advocacy work can be large scale, advocating for governments to change policies, or smaller scale, advocating for community members to change behaviors. In this course, you will learn successful advocacy tactics and strategies from two of the leading experts on the subject. Ruth Levine of the Hewlett Foundation and Rakesh Rajani of the Ford Foundation will share real-world examples, interviews with extraordinary advocates, and lessons learned from decades of advocacy experience.
Module 1: If advocacy is the answer, what is the question?
Connect your advocacy work to the problem you are solving.
Module 2: Motivating and persuading
Identify the right advocacy strategy for your organization.
Module 3: Good strategy requires great tactics
Select appropriate advocacy tactics.
Module 4: The case of the unaffordable drugs and the case of the invisible worker
Hear from advocates working in the field and develop a partnerships plan
Module 5: Learning as you go
Evaluate the effectiveness of your advocacy efforts.
Module 6: The potential risks of advocacy
Understand and prepare for the risks of advocacy.