Microservices with Spring Boot

Free Online Course
20 hours worth of material


Microservices with Springboot #1 | Microservice Architecture | Microservice - Monolithic application.
Microservices with Spring boot #2 || What is REST API || RESTfull API || HTTP Methods.
Microservices with Spring boot #3 || RESTfull Application using spring boot + java.
Microservices with Spring boot #4 || Spring Boot Annotations | What are Spring Boot Annotations.
Microservices with Spring boot #5 | Hotswapping code in Spring boot | spring boot devtools.
Microservices with Spring Boot #6.1 ||Spring Boot Actuators || Monitoring Spring Boot Application.
Microservices with Spring Boot #6.2|| Custom actuator endpoint || Securing Actuator Endpoints.
Microservices with Spring Boot #7 || SwaggerDocumentation + Spring Boot || REST API Documentation.
Microservices with SpringBoot #8.1 || Properties in SpringBoot || @Value & @ConfigurationProperties.
Microservices with Spring Boot #8.2 || What is YAML || .yaml vs .properties || yaml in spring boot.
Microservices with Spring Boot #9 || Profiles in Spring Boot || How to use profiles in spring boot.
Microservices with Spring Boot #10 || Logging in Spring Boot App || Different levels of loggging.
Microservices with Spring Boot #11.1 || Spring Data +REST + JPA + MySQL || Spring Boot + JPA + MySQL.
Microservices with Spring Boot #11.2 || @Query annotation || Spring data JPA || CRUD-JPA Repository.
Microservices with Spring Boot #11.3 || Sorting Spring data JPA || PagingAndSortingRepoitory demo.
Microservices with Spring Boot #11.4 || Pagination || Slicing || NativeQuery || Spring data JPA.
Exchange method of Spring RestTemplate - Part 1 || Calling REST API usingRestTemplate.
Exchange method of Spring RestTemplate- Part 2 || Calling REST API usingRestTemplate.
Calling REST API usingSpring RestTemplate using {HttpMethod}forEntity() || All about RestTemplate.
What is RestTemplateBuilder|| How to Create instance of RestTemplate using RestTemplateBuilder.
RestTemplateBuilder|| How to add baseUrl in RestTemplate || How to set root uri in RestTemplate.
RestTemplateBuilder || How to add timeout in RestTemplate || How to set readTimeout in RestTemplate.
How to enable HTTPS in a Spring Boot application || Spring Boot SSL || Spring boot enable SSL.
Access HTTPS RESTful service using RestTemplate || Bypass SSL validation in Spring RestTemplate.
How to do centralized logging in microservices? || Centralized logging with RestTemplate.
What is Spring Cloud OpenFeign || Calling REST API with OpenFeign || Declarative REST client.
How to make call to 3rd party REST service using OpenFeign client for Http GET/PUT/POST/DELETE.
How to set timeout with Spring cloud OpenFeign || Placeholders with Spring cloud OpenFeign.
What is circuit breaker design pattern in microservices || All about circuit breaker.
Netflix Hystrix Circuit Breaker || Netflix Hystrix + Micrservices || Netflix Hystrix + Spring Boot.
Netflix Hystrix Dashboard || Hystrix dashboard in microservices || Hystrix Dashboard customization.
What is Spring Cloud Config Server || Config Server || Cloud Config Server || Need of config server.
Spring cloud config server with spring boot || Cloud config server with spring boot.
Spring Cloud Config Client - Part 1 of 2 || Spring Cloud Config - Client.
Spring Cloud Config Client - Part 2 of 2 || Spring Cloud Config - Client.
All about spring cloud configuration server || All about spring cloud config client|| spring docs.
API Gateway || API Gateway in microservices architecture || What is API Gateway || Green Learner.
Api Gateway using ZUUL #1 || Netflix ZUUL || Netflix Zuul with Spring Boot || Green Learner.
Api Gateway using ZUUL #2 || Internal Architecture of Netflix Zuul || Netflix Zuul || Green Learner.
API Gateway using ZUUL #3 || Netflix ZUUL Filters Demo || Logging with Zuul Filters || Green Learner.
API Gateway using ZUUL #4 || Netflix Zuul Actuator endpoints + Spring Boot || Green Learner.
API Gateway using ZUUL #5 || Netflix ZUUL+ SpringBoot + Hystrix + Circuit Breaker || Green Learner.
API Gateway using ZUUL #6 || Netflix ZUUL+ SpringBoot + Spring Security || Green Learner.
Microservices Registry & Discovery #1 || Quick Intro of Service Discovery || Green Learner.
Microservices Registry & Discovery #2 || Detailed Explanation of Service Discovery & Registry.
Microservices Registry & Discovery #3 || Demo - Eureka Server + Spring Boot || Green Learner.
Microservices Registry & Discovery #4 || Demo - Eureka Client Service + Spring Boot || Green Learner.
Microservices Registry & Discovery #5.1 || Demo - Use Eureka server to DiscoverServices.
Microservices Registry & Discovery #5.2 || Demo - Use Eureka server to DiscoverServices.
Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin #1 || Importance of logs in debugging.
Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin #2 || What is Sleuth || Green Learner.
Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin #3 || Cloud Sleuth - Demo || Green Learner.
Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin #4 || Sleuth- How It Works? || Green Learner.
Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin #5 || Zipkin - Introduction || Green Learner.
Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin #6 || Zipkin Server || Green Learner.
Distributed Tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin #7 || Sleuth + Zipkin - Demo.
What is Load Balancer In Microservices || Client Side vs Server Side Load Balancer || Green Learner.
Demo - Netflix Ribbon - Client Side Load Balancing + Spring Boot || Green Learner.
Demo - Netflix Ribbon With Eureka- Client Side Load Balancing + Service Discovery + SpringBoot.
Demo - Customization of Netflix Ribbon With Eureka- Client Side Load Balancing+ Spring Boot.
What is Resilience4j || Resilience4j Tutorial || Resilience4j Circuit Breaker.
Resilience4j + SpringBoot - Part 1 of 3 || Resilience4j + SpringBoot2 || Resilience4j CircuitBreaker.
Resilience4j + SpringBoot - Part 2 of 3 || Resilience4j + SpringBoot2 || Resilience4j CircuitBreaker.
Resilience4j + SpringBoot - Part 3 of 3 || Resilience4j + SpringBoot2 || Resilience4j CircuitBreaker.
Part#1 of 2- Microservices Monitoring || Resilience4j Monitoring || Resilience4j Dashboard.
Part#2 of 2- Microservices Monitoring || Resilience4j Monitoring || Resilience4j Dashboard.
What is Resilience4j Ratelimiter || SpringBoot+Resilience4j +RateLimiter || Resilience4j Ratelimiter.
What is Resilience4j Retry|| SpringBoot+Resilience4j +Retry || Resilience4j Retry.
What is Resilience4j Bulkhead || SpringBoot+Resilience4j +Bulkhead || Resilience4j Bulkhead.
1 REST API Validation || Bean Validation in Micro-services || Green Learner.
2 REST API Validation || Custom Bean Validation Annotation in Micro-services || Green Learner.
3 REST API Validation || @pattern validation Annotation|| Green Learner.
Project Lombok Example|| Project Lombok With Spring Boot || Green Learner.
Microservices Testing Roadmap || Microservices testing tools || Green Learner.
ETag Filter + Spring Boot | Real-Time Use cases of ETag Filter for Microservices | Entity Tags.
COVID-19 Alert Microservice with Spring Boot|| Processing complex JSON data into Java Objects.
Writing Unit & Integration Test for Microservices || Covid-19 Alert Microservice || Spring Boot.
Code Coverage - Intro & Integration with Spring Boot Microservice || JaCoCo + SpringBoot + Gradle.
0 Microservices Architecture || Course Plan .

Taught by

Green Learner