Ethical Leadership in a Changing World

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Free Online Course (Audit)
6 weeks long, 2-4 hours a week


In this era of low levels of trust, increasing cynicism, fake news and rampant uncertainty, leaders committed to an ethical approach have never been more important.

But what makes an ethical leader, and why is their approach so important to organisations?

This course is an introduction to the theories and practices of ethical leadership, with a focus on organisations. Drawing on New Zealand case studies — one of the least corrupt countries in the world — this course will enable you to recognise the role of ethics in organisational decision-making, analyse the actions of leaders from an ethical perspective, and learn to become a truly ethical leader yourself.

Through the voices of recognised leaders from New Zealand’s private, public and NGO sectors, you will also hear about the main issues ethical leadership should address.

Individuals, organisations and society all benefit from ethical leadership. In this course we will show you how and why this value-based leadership matters to us all.

Taught by

Karin Lasthuizen and Alan Lawton