Disaster Medicine Training

Stanford OpenEdx
Free Online Course
4-8 hours a week


Welcome to Disaster Medicine Training. This course was developed to provide a foundation of disaster medicine knowledge that every health care provider who responds to a disaster should know. This course was developed through SEMPER, Stanford Emergency Medicine Program for Emergency Response. SEMPER’s mission has 3 pillars:

  • Develop nimble medical teams that could “load and go” into a disaster scene within 24 hours of a call and to be self-sufficient for the first 72 hours.
  • Develop a standardized disaster medicine education curriculum and training for all members.
  • Pursue research to develop disaster best practices in order to improve disaster medical care.

This course sets the foundation for SEMPER members’ disaster knowledge, which will be supplemented by in-person lectures as well as field exercises. All SEMPER members are required to complete this course. Non-SEMPER members interested in learning more about disaster medicine or any person wishing to deploy to a disaster is also welcomed to complete this course.

Disaster Medicine Training is a self paced-course, featuring video lectures with questions and case scenarios following each module. You will take an overall pre-test before you start the course and a post-test after you complete all the modules. A score of 80% or higher on your post-test will earn you a Statement of Accomplishment.

Taught by

Jessica Ngo
