Power of the Pen: Identities and Social Issues in Poetry and Plays

Free Online Course
$50.00 Certificate Available
6 weeks long


This creative writing MOOC will focus on writing about identities, communities, and social issues in poetry and plays. There is no cost to enroll; registration is completely free for all participants. No writing experience is required. This MOOC welcomes writers of all communities and identities


This MOOC will:

Encourage you to experiment in both poetry writing and playwriting
Encourage you to explore the intersections between these two genres
Encourage you to explore the intersections of individual, community, and global identities
Encourage you to examine the effect of current social issues on individual, community, and global identities
Foreground the principles of writing poetry and plays
Support your experience of creative and cultural exchange with writers around the world!

Taught by

Christopher Merrill and Lisa Schlesinger