Ecology and Environmental Ethics – Problems and Perspectives

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


In the present-day world, people in all walks of life together with the rulers and policymakers share the mounting concern for the gravity of the environmental crises all over the world. In this background, this course is designed with the intention to create environmental awareness among UG level students who represent a cross-section of our young generation. The main themes in the thirty six modules are the basics of scientific ecology, the ethical aspects of human interaction with nature, environmental summits and legislations, significant environmental perspectives from the East and West, various ecological disasters, major environmental resistance movements in India etc. The indigenous ecocentric traditions and ancient Indian systems of philosophy are introduced in this course with a view to demonstrate their eco-philosophical potentials. To put it briefly, this is a course designed for an integrated study of the scientific and philosophical as also the traditional and contemporary aspects of environmental studies for rethinking and rectifying the lapses in our relationship with nature.


First Week
Day 1 Video lectureEcology and Environment: Scientific and Philosophical PerspectivesDay 2 Video lecture Ecology, Environment and Conservation- Part IDay 3 Video lecture Ecology, Environment And Conservation – Part IIDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Second WeekDay 1 Video lecture Ecology – Origin and DevelopmentDay 2 Video lecture Basic Concepts of EcologyDay 3 Video lecture Types of EcologyDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Third WeekDay 1 Video lecture Ecosystem – Types and ComponentsDay 2 Video lecture Biocentrism and EcocentrismDay 3 Video lecture Environmentalist Critique of AnthropocentrismDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Fourth WeekDay 1 Video lecture Ethics – Definition and Basic ConceptsDay 2 Video lecture Applied Ethics – Conventional and Current ApproachesDay 3 Video lecture Why Environmental Ethics?Day 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Fifth WeekDay 1 Video lecture Environmental Issues –. PollutionDay 2 Video lecture Environmental Issues –. Global WarmingDay 3 Video lecture Environmental Issues – Biodiversity DepletionDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Sixth WeekDay 1 Video lecture Environmental Issues - Waste ManagementDay 2 Video lecture Deep Ecology – IDay 3 Video lecture Deep Ecology – IIDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Seventh WeekDay 1 Video lecture Social EcologyDay 2 Video lecture EcosocialismDay 3 Video lecture EcofeminismDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Eighth WeekDay 1 Video lecture Dark Greens, Light Greens and Bright GreensDay 2 Video lecture Bishnoi, Chipko and Appiko MovementsDay 3 Video lecture Save Narmada MovementDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Ninth WeekDay 1 Video lecture Environmental Summits and ChartersDay 2 Video lecture Environmental Legislations in IndiaDay 3 Video lecture Legal Mechanism For Environment ProtectionDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Tenth WeekDay 1 Video lecture Environmental education – the curricular and co-curricular componentsDay 2 Video lecture Media and EnvironmentDay 3 Video lecture Vedanta Philosophy – An Ecological InterpretationDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Eleventh WeekDay 1 Video lecture Buddhism - An Ecological Interpretation - Part IDay 2 Video lecture Buddhism - An Ecological Interpretation - Part IIDay 3 Video lecture The Gandhian Programme for Saving the EarthDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation
Twelfth WeekDay 1 Video lecture Sacred GrovesDay 2 Video lecture Community Conservation practices – Tribal and RuraltraditionsDay 3 Video lecture Community Conservation practices - DocumentaryDay 4 Discussion and interactionDay 5 Assignments submission and Evaluation

Taught by

Dr. M. Ramakrishnan