Neuroscience and Education

Free Online Course
Certificate Available
2 weeks long, 6 hours worth of material


This course has been developed by Amaya Alonso Cabria, in close collaboration with the School Education Gateway.

Educational neuroscience is born from the interaction and interrelation between three different fields of knowledge: Neurosciences, Psychology and Education. The objective of the intersection of these three disciplines is to improve classroom practice and achieve more efficient and satisfactory learning.

What is involved in this course is to provide participating teachers with knowledge about the functioning of the human brain and its relationship in the participation of different cognitive and behavioural functions, in such a way that they can use them in their teaching practice and learning.



Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Nervous System
Module 3: Brain Plasticity and Learning
Module 4: Cognitive System
Module 5: Mirror Neurons and Learning Spaces
Module 6: Peer Assessment