CICD for Automation Testers - 1. Introduction - Complete Course about Contineous Integraion.
CICD for Automation Testers - 2. Course Contents.
CICD for Automation Testers - 3. What is DevOPs.
CICD for Automation Testers - 4. Introduction to CICD Detailed Contineous Integration.
CICD for Automation Testers - 5. Continuous Delivery and Deployment.
CICD for Automation Testers - 6. Create Selenium Test Automation Framework for CICD Demo - Part1.
CICD for Automation Testers - 6. Create Selenium Test Automation Framework for CICD Demo - Part2.
CICD for Automation Testers - 8, Install Git and Create account on GitHub.
CICD for Automation Testers - 7. What is GIT and GITHUB - Version Contol Systems.
CICD for Automation Testers - 9. GIt Operations, Add code to GitHub.
CICD for Automation Testers - 11. Create new Job, Execute Selenium Maven project Test cases.
CICD for Automation Testers - 10.Jenkins - Introduction, Installation, plugin install, Configure.
CICD for Automation Testers - 12. Jenkins - Editable Email Notification.
CICD for Automation Testers - 13.1. Code Quality Check - Why Static Code Analysis - Selenium.
CICD for Automation Testers - 13.2. SonarLint in Eclipse IDE - Selenium code analysis.
CICD for Automation Testers - 13.3. SonarQube Installation - Static code analysis tool.
CICD for Automation Testers -13.4. SonarCloud setup - Cloud SonarQube version.
CICD for Automation Testers - 13.6. Quality Gates in SonarQube.
CICD for Automation Testers - 13.5. SonarQube SonarCloud and Jenkins Integration for code scanning.
CICD for Automation Testers - 13.7 - Quality Profile and Rule in SonarQube.
CICD for Automation Testers - 14.1. What is Selenium Grid, Hub and Nodes.
CICD for Automation Testers - 14.2. Install Selenium Grid.
CICD for Automation Testers - 15. Selenium Test Execution from BrowserStack Cloud based platform.
CICD for Automation Testers - 14.3. Test Execution through Selenium Grid and Jenkins.
CICD for Automation Testers - 16.3. Selenium Grid Installation on Docker, Run Test on Docker.
CICD for Automation Testers - 16.1. Docker installation on Windows, All About Docker hub.
CICD for Automation Testers - 16.2. Various Docker Commands.
CICD for Automation Testers - 16. Docker Introduction, Containers, How docker works.
CICD for Automation Testers - 16.4. Docker - Selenium Gird Test Execuction from Jenkins, VNC viewer.
CICD for Automation Testers -17. Jenkins pipeline - Add job dependency - trigger job.
CICD for Automation Testers -16.7. JIRA Rest API- Create bug automatically in JIRA for failed test.
CICD for Automation Testers - 18 - Jenkins pipeline Declarative Pipeline for Continuous Integration.
Deploy Selenium GRID (Execute Selenium Tests) On Google Cloud Platform (via Docker) - Part 2.