Spring: Spring Data 2

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1-2 hours worth of material


Easily implement JPA-based repositories using Spring Data JPA. Learn about the Spring Data Commons JPA for object-relational mapping, querying with Spring Data, and more.

Coding to databases—which often involves the use of boilerplate code that's difficult to maintain and debug—can be tedious work. Upgrading applications to a different kind of data storage is similarly challenging, as it usually involves massive code rewrites. Spring Data addresses these issues by abstracting data store interactions into a common repository API and eliminating boilerplate code.
In this course, learn how to easily implement JPA-based repositories using Spring Data JPA. Mary Ellen Bowman describes the Spring Data umbrella project, and helps you understand JPA for object-relational mapping. She also covers querying, and dives into other Spring Data Commons features such as QueryDSL and auditing.


  • Welcome
  • What you should know before watching
  • How to use the exercise files
1. The Spring Data Umbrella Project
  • Spring Data Commons
2. Understanding JPA for Object-Relational Mapping
  • Logical model vs. physical model
  • Brief history of the Java Persistence API
  • Map a database table to a Java class
  • Map multiple tables to Java classes
  • Java Persistence query language
3. Introduction to Spring Data JPA
  • JPA without Spring Data
  • Spring Data repositories interfaces
  • CrudRepository interface for entities
  • JPA Repository
4. Querying with Spring Data
  • Property expression query methods
  • Query method clauses and expressions
  • @Query query methods
  • Paging and sorting
  • QueryByExample
  • Optional query response
5. More Repository Types
  • Spring Data MongoDB example
  • Spring Data JDBC example
  • Spring Data reactive repository example
  • Other Spring Data datasource solutions
6. Special Features
  • Spring Data REST
  • QueryDSL Spring data extension
  • Auditing
  • Read-Only repository pattern
  • Next steps

Taught by

Mary Ellen Bowman