The theory developed here (that you will not find in any other course :) has much in common with (and complements) statistical mechanics and field theory courses; partition functions and transfer operators are applied to computation of observables and spectra of chaotic systems.
Nonlinear dynamics 1: Geometry of chaos (see syllabus)
- Topology of flows - how to enumerate orbits, Smale horseshoes
- Dynamics, quantitative - periodic orbits, local stability
- Role of symmetries in dynamics
Nonlinear dynamics 2: Chaos rules (see syllabus)
- Transfer operators - statistical distributions in dynamics
- Spectroscopy of chaotic systems
- Dynamical zeta functions
- Dynamical theory of turbulence
The course, which covers the same material and the same exercises as the Georgia Tech course PHYS 7224, is in part an advanced seminar in nonlinear dynamics, aimed at PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and advanced undergraduates in physics, mathematics, chemistry and engineering.