Automated Visual Testing in C#

Test Automation University
Free Online Course
1-2 hours worth of material


Learn how to automate your visual testing in C# with Applitools

  • Automated Visual Testing in C#
  • Chapter 1 - Install Dependencies
  • Chapter 2 - Why Must We Automate Visual Testing?
  • Chapter 3 - What is a Baseline in Applitools
  • Chapter 4 - Code Overview
  • Chapter 5 - Setting Baselines with Code
  • Chapter 6 - First Visual Comparison
  • Chapter 7.1 - Exact Match Level
  • Chapter 7.2 - Strict Match Level
  • Chapter 7.3 - Content Match Level
  • Chapter 7.4 - Layout Match Level
  • Chapter 8 - Test Manager UI

Taught by

Nikolay Advolodkin