Digital Construction

Open Education by Blackboard
Free Online Course
12 weeks long, 3-4 hours a week


The construction industry is the most exciting industry in the world. Our entire built environment - from world famous skyscrapers to house extensions - all rely on the expertise of the construction industry for design, procurement, production and management. Yet, despite significant technological advances, many of the practices of the construction industry remain relatively unchanged compared to other industries. Clients, architects, engineers, surveyors, project managers, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and facilities managers can all work more effectively if they harness the potential offered by digital construction.

In simple terms, digital construction is concerned with the digital information required for designing, procuring and constructing buildings and other structures, and for operating the completed buildings or structures . We hear a great deal these days about BIM (Building Information Modelling) which can mean different things to different people. Whether it be creating 3D models or processes to manage information, BIM is challenging the way we work in the industry. This course will certainly consider BIM, but digital construction can also refer to simple ways in which we can use digital technologies to create, store, share and validate information, and to communicate and collaborate with each other.

Taught by

Yanna Nedelcheva, Tony Burke, Rob Garvey and Fred Mills
