Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker

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Free Online Course (Audit)
Paid Certificate Available
2 weeks long, 4-5 hours worth of material


In this course, you learn how to do the kind of data exploration and analysis in Looker that would formerly be done primarily by SQL developers or analysts. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to leverage Looker's modern analytics platform to find and explore relevant content in your organization’s Looker instance, ask questions of your data, create new metrics as needed, and build and share visualizations and dashboards to facilitate data-driven decision making.


  • Introduction to the Course
    • This module introduces the course on Looker for business users and data analysts.
  • Introduction to Looker
    • This module provides an overview of the Looker user interface and its key components for data explorers.
  • Core Analytics Concepts
    • This module reviews the four core analytical concepts for analyzing and visualizing data in Looker.
  • Table Calculations
    • This module reviews how business users and data analysts can use table calculations in Looker to instantenously create new metrics.
  • Looks and Dashboards
    • This module covers how to use Looks and dashboards to share visualizations and results with others.
  • Content Management
    • This module reviews how to manage and organize Looker content using folders and boards, so that content is easily discoverable and accessible by others.
  • Course Summary
    • This module provides a summary of the topics covered in this course.

Taught by

Google Cloud Training