Sources Of Energy Physics CBSE class 10 X

Free Online Course
2-3 hours worth of material


In this course, you will learn all about Sources of Energy for CBSE class 10 Physics. You will learn about fossil fuel, coal, petroleum, natural gas, thermal power plant, hydro power station, biomass, wind, solar energy, energy from sea, tidal energy, wave energy, ocean energy, nuclear energy, environmental concerns, and lifetime of energy sources.


Physics Sources Of Energy part 1 (Introduction) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 2 (Conventional fuel : Fossil fuel) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 3 (Conventional fuel : Coal) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 4 (Conventional fuel : Petrol & Natural Gas) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 5 (Conventional fuel : Thermal power plant) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 6 (Conventional fuel : Hydro power plant) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 7 (Improvement to Conventional fuel : Biomas) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 8 (Improvement to Conventional fuel : Wind) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 9 (Non Conventional fuel : Solar Energy) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 10 (Non Conventional fuel : Energy from sea) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 11 (Non Conventional fuel :Tidal Energy) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 12 (Non Conventional fuel : Wave ,ocean energy) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 13 (Non Conventional fuel :Nuclear energy) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 14 (Environmental Concerns) CBSE class 10 X.
Physics Sources Of Energy part 15 (Life time of Energy source) CBSE class 10 X.

Taught by

LearnoHub - Class 11, 12