Infrared Spectroscopy for Pollution Monitoring

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
4 weeks long


Nowadays, Infra Red Spectroscopy is the most preferred technique for synthesis and monitoring almost all organic compounds. The course consists of : Introduction to pollution control monitoring, Atomic structure, Introduction to Infra Red Spectroscopy,Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter, Instrumentation for Infra Red Spectroscopy, Applications ofInfra Red Spectroscopy for air pollution, organic compounds in the Industrial Effluents,Continuous Monitoring etc.

INTENDED AUDIENCE :Chemists and Chemical Engineers, Environmental Engineers, Environmental Scientists, Civil Engineers, Pollution Control Administrators.PREREQUISITES : 10+2 +3years of BE/BSC Basic knowledge of differential calculus and integrationINDUSTRY SUPPORT :Chemical industries, pollution control


COURSE LAYOUTWeek 1:Introduction to pollution control monitoring and Atomic structure.
Week 2:Atomic structure and Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter
Week 3:Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter and Instrumentation for Infra-red Spectroscopy.
Week 4:Infrared Spectroscopy and Application of Infra-red Spectroscopy for chemical analysis and air pollution monitoring.

Taught by

Prof. J R Mudakavi