IBM z/OS Rexx Programming

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Free Online Course (Audit)
Paid Certificate Available
11 weeks long, 25 hours worth of material


This course is designed to teach you the basic skills required to write programs using the REXX language in z/OS. The course covers the TSO extensions to REXX and interaction with other environments such as the MVS console, running REXX in batch jobs, and compiling REXX.

A total of 11 hands-on labs on an IBM Z server (via remote Skytap access) are part of this course.

O​n successful completion of the course, learners can earn theor badge. Details here-


  • Introduction
  • Getting Started with REXX
    • Getting started.
  • Programming
  • Functions and Subroutines
  • Debugging and error handling
  • Executing Host Commands
  • Compound variables and datastack
  • Reading and writing data sets in REXX
  • The Parse Instruction
  • Using REXX: REXX compiler, REXX in batch, MVS console commands
  • System REXX

Taught by

Martin Keen