App Design: Prototyping for Beginners

Certificate Available


Learn how to use Figma, a leading design software, to make a functional app mock-up from scratch

  • Introduction to Rapid Prototyping
  • From Idea to Prototype
  • Design Preparation
  • Design and Prototyping
  • Validating and Testing Your Idea
  • Final Project

The beauty of prototyping and software like Figma is that they allow you to quickly make an app design without the programming hassle. Whether the app is for your own project or to sell to another company, the evolution of app design has made it accessible to everyone. Product designer Filippos Protogeridis is here to give you a complete walkthrough of how to create your own app prototype.

Bring your app ideas to life using the latest and greatest design software. Learn the ins and outs of Figma, craft a functional prototype, and validate your idea with Maze.


  • About Me
  • Influences
  • The Incredible Power of Prototyping
  • The Evolution of Prototyping Tools
  • Introduction to Figma
  • Sourcing UI Kits
  • Gathering References and Inspiration
  • Sketching Your Idea
  • File and Component Preparation
  • Registration Flow 1
  • Registration Flow 2
  • Home, Mood, Meditation 1
  • Home, Mood, Meditation 2
  • Home, Mood, Meditation 3
  • Home, Mood, Meditation 4
  • Prototyping 1
  • Prototyping 2
  • Polish
  • Introduction to Testing
  • Moderated User Testing
  • Unmoderated Testing
  • App Design: Prototyping for Beginners

Taught by

Filippos Protogeridis