V-Ray: Control Color Bleed in SketchUp

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1-2 hours worth of material


Learn how to prevent or minimize color bleed in your SketchUp projects. Learn about the basics of color, lighting, and reflectance so that you can control when color bleed occurs.

What are the causes of color bleed and how can it be prevented, minimized, or controlled in SketchUp? Brian Bradley shows you how in this course. First, Brian discusses what color bleed is and why it occurs. Then, he dives into measures you can take to control color bleed and produce physically accurate color. He explains how white balance, saturation, light, and geometry impact color bleed. He also demonstrates how you can work tools to contain or limit color bleed.


Introduction and Important Information
  • Welcome
  • What you should know before watching this course
  • Using the exercise files
  • Software versions in use
  • How our test scenes are set up, part 1
  • How our test scenes are set up, part 2
1. Color Bleed Basics
  • A little bit about how light works
  • Defining color bleed
2. Physically Accurate Color Bleed Control
  • Controlling reflectance through color values
  • Controlling reflectance in bitmap images
  • Using energy conserving materials
  • How geometry setup can affect color bleed
  • The power of the White Balance control
  • Careful placement of problem colors
3. Nonphysical Color Bleed Controls
  • The Saturation Post-Processing control
  • Single-bounce primary engines
  • Beware the GI Multiplier control
  • Saving GI map files to disk
  • Color mapping and color bleed
  • Using VFB channels
  • What next?

Taught by

Brian Bradley