Inclusive Teaching at the Piano

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Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
4 hours worth of material


Inclusive Teaching at the Piano is a four-module series focused on teaching students with special needs. Topics include tone, language, reading, non-verbal communication, and teaching students with visual impairments.

This is a fully online course comprised of video and written materials from the following sources: Keyboard Companion, Clavier Companion, Piano Magazine, Teaching Foundational Technique, Inspiring Artistry, From the Artist Bench, and webinars.

This is a self-guided microcourse. Questions at the conclusion of each session serve as a way to reflect on the material in the session as well as your own teaching and performing experiences. You will not respond to these questions on the platform, but you may wish to complete the activities for your own personal use.

Taught by

Andrea McAlister and Anna Beth Rucker