Gender, Race and Technology

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What are the issues affecting women and minorities in the creative and technological fields?What are some of the ways to solve them? Why is diversity important? These are some of thequestions we will address in this class. The format of our sessions will vary betweenpresentations by the instructor and interviews with guests. We will be looking at case studies,examining our own attitudes and biases, and coming up with solutions. We will have nationallyand internationally renowned guests from various fields at the intersection of art and technology.This is a great opportunity to find out more about fields within and beyond your interests and tostudy the current practices employed by leaders from various creative and technological fields.


Session 1: Welcome
Course Introduction

Session 2: Gender Studies/ Feminist Studies 101
Jump into readings and wiki editing workshop.

Session 3: The Histories Of Sexuality, Gender, And Identity
Read "A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist- Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century," in Simians, Cyborgs and Women, "Split Subjects, Not Atoms; or, How I Fell in Love with My Prosthesis." The Cyborg Handbook, and "Tinysex and Gender Trouble." Sex/Machine: Readings in Culture, Gender and Technology.

Session 4: Technology And Vision
Read "Digitizing race: Visual cultures of the Internet", and "Entering the picture: Judy Chicago, the Fresno Feminist Art Program and the collective visions of women artists".

Session 5: Technology, Gender, And Desire
Read works from Judith Halberstam, Adranne Wadewitz, and Amy Adele Hasinoff. Introduction of WikiStorming Assignment.

Session 6: Technology, Whiteness And Racialization – Part I
Read works from L. Nakamura, Vernadette V Gonzalez, and Robyn Magalit. We will also be looking at "Black Girls Code" and continuing work on the WikiStorming assignment.

Session 7: Technology & Privacy
Look at readings; “Spectatorship, Power and Knowledge”, "Facegen and the Technovisual Politics of Embodied Surfaces.",“Face to Anti-Face - Op-Art”, and "Camouflage From Face Detection”. Start work on Feminist Mapping Project.

Session 8: The Body In The World
Read works by Anne Fausto-Sterlng, Susan Best, Elizabeth Grosz, and Elizabeth Wilson. Continue work with collecting data for Feminist Mapping assignment.

Session 9: Technology, Representation And The Female Body
Read "The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm", "Castration and Medusa: Orlan's Art on the Cutting Edge", "Serene and Happy and Distant: An Interview with Orlan", and "Anger, Art and Medicine: Working with Orlan". Continue work on Feminist Mapping project with tools and best practices.

Session 10: Activism: Social Justice & Social Media
Read ‘Our Demand Is Simple: Stop Killing Us’: How a group of black social media activists built the nation’s first 21st-century civil rights movement, and “Equal Rights Takes to the Barricades -”. View “Egypt: The viral vlog of Asmaa Mahfouz that helped spark an uprising – Boing Megan Winget, PhD 5 Boing”. Continue Feminist Mapping project with spiffifying the data.

Session 11: Activism: Technology, Masculinity And Militarism
Read "Video Games and Machine Dreams of Domination", "Breakdown in the Gray Room: Recent Turns in the Image War", and Columbia University Report on US Drone Strikes. Continue with Feminist Mapping assignment focusing on tools; Google Maps, HyperCities and StoryMaps.

Session 12: Gendering Climate Change, Engendering Responsibility
Read selected works from Margaret Atwood and L. Weintraub. Watch "Chasing Ice". Continue with Feminist Mapping and mapping tools.

