Pic Microcontroller and Pcb designing step by step

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Paid Course
Certificate Available
6 hours worth of material


Master Microcontrollers and Pcb desining from scratch

What you'll learn:
  • Learn eagle software for designing pcbs
  • Design your own pcb using iron on glossy paper method
  • Learn proteus and mikroC
  • Learn the basics of c programming language
  • Interface leds, lcds, seven segmants, motors, relays, keypads and ADC modules with Pic Microcontroller
  • Simulate and make a lot of microcontroller practical projects

This course is about pcbs and programming microcontroller

This course is submitted for beginners in microcontroller and pcb designing field

By the end of this course you will be able to

  • Learn how to design a circuit in eagle schematic layout

  • Turn your circuit into a pcb through the board layout

  • Master pcb making using iron on glossy paper method

  • Design a JDM programmer

  • Design and make a laser sensor project

  • Learn to simulate an electronic circuit using proteus

  • Learn to program your pic using microC

  • Learn the basic concepts of c programming language

  • Burn your programs on your pic using computer

  • Design a lot of microcontroller projects (flash light, traffic light, temperature sensor and security system using keypads and lcds)

  • How to interface leds, lcds, seven segmants, motors, motor drivers, relays, keypads and ADC projects

This course will take 6 hoursto complete

It is sperated into two sections

  • Pcb designing section

  • Microcontroller section

If you are a starter in electronics, microcontroller and pcb designing filed i would recommend this course for you as a first step

It will take you from scratch to intermediate level.

Taught by

Mahmoud Mansour