Full Stack Web Development with Angular

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Paid Course
Certificate Available
13 weeks long, 10 hours a week


Learn front-end and hybrid mobile development, with server-side support, for implementing a multi-platform solution.The first two courses in this Specialization cover front-end frameworks: Bootstrap 4 and Angular. On the server side, you’ll learn to implement NoSQL databases using MongoDB, work within a Node.js environment and Express framework, and communicate to the client side through a RESTful API. Learners enrolling in this Specialization are expected to have prior working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Ideally learners should complete the courses in the specified sequence.


Course 1: Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4
- Offered by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This course will give you an overview of client-side web UI frameworks, in ... Enroll for free.

Course 2: Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular
- Offered by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This course concentrates mainly on Javascript based front-end frameworks, and ... Enroll for free.

Course 3: Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB
- Offered by The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This course deals with all things server-side. We base the entire course ... Enroll for free.

Taught by

Jogesh K. Muppala