CLR Bytecode for Developers

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1-2 hours worth of material


Learn about Common Language Runtime (CLR) bytecode, and discover how to use it to manage virtual machines in Windows applications.

If you know how to speak intermediate language (IL), you have a window into the world as the .NET runtime sees it. In this course, learn about using Common Language Runtime (CLR) bytecode to manage virtual machines in Windows applications, and discover how to speak IL like a pro. Instructor Ted Neward helps to familiarize you with the basics of IL, and walks through this assembly language's syntax. Ted dives into working with ILDasm and ILasm, discusses classes, CIL opcodes and operands, and more.


  • Introduction
  • What you should know
  • Exercise files
1. ILDasm: The .NET Disassembler
  • Hello world
  • ILDasm introduction
  • ILDasm demo
2. ILasm: The .NET Assembler
  • ILSam introduction
  • ILSam demo
3. EMAC CLI Specification
  • EMAC CLI specifications
4. CIL Bytecode
  • CIL bytecode
5. Data Types and Directives
  • Data Types
  • Directives
  • Directives demo
6. Classes
  • Classes
  • Classes demo
  • Classes demo extended
  • Fields
7. Other Directives
  • Methods
  • Methods demo
  • Properties
  • Properties demo
8. CIL Opcodes and Operands
  • Opcodes operands
  • Stack manipulation
  • Control flow
  • Opcodes operands demo
  • Object model
  • Exceptions
9. Generics
  • Generics
  • Generics demo
10. Using This New-Found Knowledge
  • For each example
  • Dynamic example
  • Yield return example
  • Summary

Taught by

Ted Neward