Role Playing Games with Sprite Kit: Heroes

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Free Online Course
8 hours worth of material


Learn how to build a physics based hero inside of a basic top-down view level. All with Sprite Kit & property lists.

What you'll learn:
  • By the end of this course you will have the foundation of countless Role Playing Games with Sprite Kit

In this first series of lessons on Sprite Kit based role playing games, we will create a physics-based world with a roaming hero that can collide with other heroes (and make them follow the leader). Nearly everything will be property-list driven (adjustable by changing text in a plist file) and we'll program options for each character to include / exclude front view animation, side view animation or back view animation. We will look at making the character attack, emit particles, receive damage, have a health meter, advance levels, restart levels and much, much more! All using Xcode 5 and Sprite Kit.

Taught by

Justin Dike