Advanced Concrete Technology

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


This course explores the materials science of concrete, and attempts to bring about the understanding of concrete behavior from a fundamental perspective. The first part of the course discusses the structure and properties of concrete making materials. This is followed by mixture proportioning of high performance concrete, and a study of selected topics regarding fresh and hardened concrete behavior. The final part of the course deals with long term performance issues, related to creep, shrinkage and durability of concrete.

INTENDED AUDIENCE:Post-graduate students, and final year undergraduate students
PREREQUISITES: Basic course on Construction Materials in UG level. Additional course on Concrete Technology (UG level) is optional.
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Civil contracting firms, Ready mixed concrete companies, Cement companies, Construction chemicals companies,
Materials research laboratories etc.



WEEK 1 : Cement production and composition
WEEK2 : Cement chemistry
WEEK3 : Aggregates for concrete
WEEK4 : Chemical admixtures
WEEK5 : Chemical and Mineral admixtures
WEEK6 : Mineral admixtures
WEEK7 : High performance concrete mixture proportioning
WEEK8 : Topics in fresh concrete
WEEK9 : Topics in hardened concrete
WEEK10 : Creep and shrinkage
WEEK11 : Durability of concrete
WEEK12 : Durability of concrete

Taught by

Prof. Manu Santhanam