Copyright for Creatives: Protecting Your Work

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Learn how to protect yourself from copyright infringement. Explore what needs to be copyrighted, how to register one, and how to properly respond to infringement.

Many creative people are familiar with the frustrating experience of discovering that their work is being used online without their permission. But not all of the artists whose work is being copied and resold know how to properly manage the situation. In this course, Von Glitschka dives into the subject of copyrights, sharing key information that you need to know to protect your work. Von explains what a copyright is, what needs to be copyrighted, and how to register one. He also explores copyright infringement, explaining where it commonly happens and how to know if you're a victim. From there, he and his lawyer take you through the process of responding to infringement, and demystify some common misconceptions about copyright law.


  • Welcome
  • Infringement
  • Meet Kohel Haver
1. What Is Copyright?
  • Defining copyright
  • What can you copyright?
  • Why register a copyright?
2. Copyright Registration
  • How to register a copyright
  • How long does a copyright last?
  • What is derivative work?
3. Copyright Infringers
  • Sole proprietors
  • Creative proxies
  • Business entities
  • Fanatics
  • What is public domain?
4. Responding to Infringement
  • Reasonable email
  • Cease and desist letter
  • DMCA response letter
  • DMCA takedown notice
  • Using social media
  • Real-world responses
  • When to contact a lawyer
5. Common Copyright Misconceptions
  • Copyright myths
  • Copyright reality
  • Can an animal own a copyright?
  • Quick response kit
  • Zombies and copyright
  • Summary

Taught by

Von Glitschka