Play by Play: Maximize Your Value through Salesforce Coding Best Practices

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1-2 hours worth of material


In this course, you’ll witness a Salesforce Implementation through a real world example gone wrong and examine the poor practices that led up to it.

Play by Play is a series in which top technologists work through a problem in real time, unrehearsed, and unscripted. In this course, Play by Play: Maximize Your Value through Salesforce Coding Best Practices, Matt Kaufman and Don Robins demonstratethe challenges faced when helping a development team recover a broken app that had been implemented by another team long gone. Learn about the concepts of Clean Code, why the Clean Code approach matters to any team development effort, and reveals how it also helps individual developers hone their craft and build their professional value in the market. By the end of this course, you’ll have gained a solid understanding of just what Clean Code is and how you can adopt these leading practices to minimize problematic implementations, and maximize your development craft along with your value in the Salesforce ecosystem.

  • Course Overview
  • Introduction and Setting the Stage
  • The What and Why of Clean Code
  • VisualForce Leading Practices
  • Lightning Leading Practices
  • Apex Leading Practices
  • Summary and Recap

Taught by

Don Robins