Applying Advanced LookML Concepts in Looker

Free Online Course
Certificate Available
6 hours worth of material


In this quest, you will get hands-on experience applying advanced LookML concepts in Looker. You will learn how to use Liquid to customize and create dynamic dimensions and measures, create dynamic SQL derived tables and customized native derived tables, and use extends to modularize your LookML code.


  • Getting Started with Liquid to Customize the Looker User Experience
    • In this lab you will use Liquid to customize dimensions and measure in Looker.
  • Enhancing User Interactivity in Looker with Liquid
    • In this lab you will use Liquid parameters and templated filters to enhance interactivity by users in Looker.
  • Creating dynamic SQL derived tables with LookML and Liquid
    • In this lab you will learn how to create and update SQL derived tables to generate dynamic values.
  • Answering Complex Questions Using Native Derived Tables with LookML
    • In this lab you will use native derived tables to answer complex questions with LookML.
  • Modularizing LookML Code with Extends
    • In this lab you will learn how to modularize LookML code with Extends.