Scaling Out Using Azure SignalR Service

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Learn how to manage real-time connections in distributed cloud applications using Azure SignalR Service.

Every modern application has some sort of real-time-communication need. With the rise of microservices and serverless, many developers find themselves working with applications that run on multiple servers. Azure SignalR Service can help you scale these applications by allowing users to connect to a central location and enabling other services to send messages to users quickly without worrying about hosting, scalability, and load balancing. Curious about how to use Azure SignalR Service to build real-time applications in the cloud? This course covers what you need to know to get up and running.Instructor Nertil Poci goes over what SignalR Service is, the need for it, and the features it offers. He explains how to provision SignalR Service instances, implement failover options, and broadcast messages to your users. Plus, Nertil details how to go serverless with SignalR services and integrate your SignalR Service with Azure Event Grid to respond to different events.


  • Real-time connections at scale using SignalR Service
  • What you should know
1. Managing Real-Time Connections in Cloud-Native Applications Using Azure SignalR Service
  • The need for Azure SignalR Service
  • Exploring SignalR Service features
  • Provisioning a SignalR Service instance
  • Picking the right service mode for SignalR
  • Challenge: Provision and choose the correct service mode
  • Solution: Provision and choose the correct service mode
2. Scaling Using Signal Service
  • Setting up a SignalR-enabled .NET Core application
  • Configuring SignalR Service with ASP.NET Core
  • Exploring SignalR Service failover options
  • Adding a SignalR Service failover node
  • Challenge: Configure ASP.NET Core to work with SignalR
  • Solution: Configure ASP.NET Core to work with SignalR
3. Configuring Serverless Real-Time Connections Using Azure SignalR Service
  • Exploring the Azure SignalR Service serverless mode
  • Adding the negotiation endpoint
  • Adding hub endpoints
  • Connecting clients using a serverless SignalR Service
  • Broadcasting messages from the client
  • Broadcasting messages from the server
  • Authenticating users with serverless Azure SignalR service instance
  • Challenge: Authenticate a serverless SignalR backend using Facebook authentication
  • Solution: Authenticate a serverless SignalR backend using Facebook authentication
4. Integrating Azure SignalR Service with Event Grid
  • Event Grid integration benefits and use cases
  • Event Grid reacting and responding
  • Challenge: Notify all users when users connect and disconnect to SignalR
  • Solution: Notify all users when users connect and disconnect to SignalR
  • Next steps

Taught by

Nertil Poci