Sales in Sport Business

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$149.00 Certificate Available
4 weeks long, 3-5 hours a week


Sports have long been a cornerstone to our society, but only in recent history has the industry truly monetized with an expected value in 2021 of over $500 Billion USD. Ticket sales, corporate partnerships, sports marketing, sponsorships, merchandise, broadcast rights, product licensing, and other areas of revenue generation allow fans to be a part of the entire experience, both in the stadium and out. This course mainly focuses on professional sports.

This course is taught by professionals from across different areas of the industry, and provides a foundation in the principles and significance of sales and revenue generation in the business of Sport through a mix of theoretical fundamentals and practical application. The course will touch on ticket sales, corporate sales, and group sales. It will also cover elements of being a sales manager and characteristics of successful sales people in the sports management field. It covers key sales and revenue generation elements such as:

  • The Sports Sales Process
  • Relationship-Building
  • Customer Service
  • Business Development

Completion of this course will provide students with the essential skills to become successful sales executives in the field of Sport.


WEEK 1 - Sales in the landscape of sports

  • The sport product
  • Sales staff models
  • Products & Pricing in Ticket Sales

WEEK 2 - Different types of sales and prospecting

  • Business to Business Sales
  • Business to Consumer Sales
  • Sponsorships & Marketing
  • Prospecting

WEEK 3 - Guiding customers through the sales funnel

  • Needs Analysis
  • Presenting Solutions
  • Overcoming Objections
  • Obtaining Commitment

WEEK 4 - Closing the deal and managing the relationship

  • Retention and Referrals
  • Communication
  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Taught by

Peggy Keiper, Jon Nachtigal, Michelle Gulino, Travis Misner and Cole McKeel