Skilled Trades: Manufacturing Careers

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Certificate Available
1-2 hours worth of material


Learn how to jump-start a career in the manufacturing trades. Get real-world examples that illustrate what manufacturing jobs look like and how to break into this growing field.


  • What is manufacturing?
  • A brief history of manufacturing
1. Manufacturing Careers
  • Manufacturing processes
  • The importance of manufacturing careers
  • What does the job look like?
  • My story
2. Challenges and Opportunities
  • The skilled workforce
  • Educational pathways
3. Real-World Examples
  • Davies High School
  • IYRS School of Technology & Trades
  • Electronic circuit boards
  • Ira Green
  • Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI)
4. Where Do I Start?
  • Preparing to apply
  • Where to go from here

Taught by

Kipp Bradford