Introduction to Figma - 2021 Beginners Tutorial (Everything You Need to Know in 20 minutes).
Figma Tutorial: Setup a Responsive Grid Layout for UI & Web Design (IN 11 MINUTES).
Figma Tutorial: Create the Perfect Typography Scale for UI & Web Projects (IN 10 MINUTES) - Part 1.
Figma Tutorial: New Figma Auto Layout & Constraints(W/ UI DESIGN EXERCISE).
Figma Tutorial: Variants in 11 minutes (With Demo File & Real Examples).
5 Best Figma Plugins for 2021 | UI & UX Design Tools.
Figma Tutorial: Create Interactive Components with a Real Project (In 7 Minutes).
Figma Tutorial: Smart Animate - Create UI & Web Animations(in 17 Minutes).
UI Design Tutorial: How to Create the PERFECT Color Palette FROM SCRATCH (No Generators).
Figma Tutorial: Create a RESPONSIVE Typography Scale for Mobile & Tablet - Part 2.
Figma Tutorial: Glassmorphism UI Design Tutorial for Beginners.
Top 6 TIME-SAVING Figma Plugins for Busy Designers - 2021.
14 Advanced Tips to Design FASTER in Figma.
Create a Figma Design System - Fundamentals (Part 1).
Create a Figma Design System - Color Systems Tutorial (Part 2).
Create a Figma Design System - Type Styles Tutorial (Part 3).
Create a Figma Design System - Button Systems W/ Variants Tutorial (Part 4).
Infinite Loop Animation Effect - Webflow Tutorial.
NEW Figma Updates: Multiple Flows in Prototypes (14th July 2021).