Climate Change Risk in Finance (CCRF) - Nov Cohort

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Free Online Course (Audit)
13 weeks long, 6 hours a week



The programme blends self-paced sessions and live interactive discussions in groups. You will progress through 4 Modules, each module will take 2 weeks and is made up of content blocks covering a variety of topics, and a live session. You will meet a range of academics, all experts in their field; and have an opportunity to embed the learning through a series of seminars focused on turning ideas into action.

There will be a live induction session and an end of programme wrap up live session.

There is no formal assessment, however there are reflective exercises to complete after each content block, and discussion fora to engage with. There will also be a reflective exercise and end of programme survey to complete.

The programme is aimed at financial professionals who are:

  • Interested in developing their knowledge of sustainable finance
  • Want to learn the latest from academics and practitioners
  • New to sustainable finance
  • Tasked with developing new products and services
  • Responsible for leading change

Taught by

Sabine Schliffenbacher