Learning FARO PointSense Pro

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2-3 hours worth of material


Learn how to build 2D and 3D models from laser scan data with the FARO PointSense Pro plugin for AutoCAD.

FARO PointSense plugins allows you to take scan data from a variety of sources—including laser scans and photogrammetry—and capture the as-built conditions of job sites with the highest degree of accuracy. The Pro version provides additional tools for 2D and 3D modeling in AutoCAD. In this course, you can learn how to work with FARO PointSense Pro, from configuring your project and scan data, to sectioning and slicing, to digitizing your scan. Get familiar with the drawing and modeling tools available and learn how to use VirtuSurv, the FARO software for producing realistic and intuitive views of scan data. Plus, learn how to use PointSense Pro analysis tools to look for deviations and see how your linework and models fit the point cloud.


  • Welcome
  • What you should know
  • How to use the exercise files
1. Get Started
  • PointSense overview
  • Inserting the ReCap file
2. Prepare Your Project
  • Modify display settings in AutoCAD
  • Set the point cloud parameters
  • PointSense Settings
3. Section Tools
  • Use sectioning tools
  • Section Manager
  • Creating slices
4. Scan Navigation
  • Scan Navigation overview
  • Set Scan Navigation direction
5. Digitizing Tools
  • UCS tools
  • Measuring 3D distance
  • Flatten
6. Fitting Tools
  • Fit Outline Plan
  • Fit Circle
  • Fit Arc
  • Fit Polygon
  • Fit Plane
  • Fit Cylinder
  • Fit Cone
  • Connecting cylinders
7. Basic Analysis Tools
  • Planar Analysis
  • Cylindrical Analysis
8. VirtuSurv
  • Create the VirtuSurv file
  • VirtuSurv overview
  • VirtuSurv display settings
  • Next steps

Taught by

Irene Radcliffe