Multirate DSP

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
12 weeks long


The key features of this course includes the following topics• An in-depth understanding of sampling, reconstruction, sampling rate conversion using multirate building blocks • Applications of multirate DSP – Filter design, Filterbanks, Transmultiplexer, Delta-Sigma A/D • Mathematical framework for Perfect Reconstruction Filter banks• Achieving capacity in wireless channels, motivation for Multicarrier modulation, Redundancy via zero padding and cyclic prefix • Mathematical framework for OFDM and its extensions • Introduction to Wavelets and Multichannel filter banks• Matlab-based computer exercises to gain understanding of multirate DSP concepts and applications.INTENDED AUDIENCE : • B.E. / B.Tech/ M.E./ M.Tech/ Ph.D. students who have completed basic course in Digital Signal Processing • Students planning to do projects / research in DSP • Industry practitioners working with DSP, audio and video productsPRE-REQUISITES :Basic course in Digital Signal ProcessinglINDUSTRY SUPPORT:Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, Broadcomm, Jasmine Infotech, Samsung, Sasken, Intel, Motorola, Ittiam, Redpine… Companies developing products based on DSP (audio, speech processing, image processing, biomedical and other areas)


Week 1 : Introduction• Overview of Sampling and Reconstruction • Review Discrete-Time Systems, digital filters
Week 2 : Oversampling techniques, DT processing of continuous time signals
Week 3 : Fundamentals of Multi-rate Systems• Basic building blocks – Up sampling, down sampling, aliasing• Mathematical framework for sampling rate change
Week 4 : Sampling rate change and filtering, fractional sampling rate change
Week 5 : Interconnection of multirate DSP blocks, Multiplexer and Demultiplexer functionality, Polyphase decomposition, Noble Identities, efficient implementation of sampling rate conversion
Week 6 : Applications of Multirate DSP - DFT-based Filterbanks, Interpolated FIR filter design, Cascaded-Integrator-Comb (CIC) filters, Transmultiplexer, Filterbank interpretation of Spectral analysis using DFT
Week 7 : Two channel maximally decimated filter bank, Signal impairments - Aliasing, Magnitude distortion, Phase distortion, Aliasing cancellation
Week 8 : Allpass filters, properties, application in two channel filterbanks, Half-band filters, Power complementary filter pairs, Mth band filters, two channel perfection reconstruction filterbanks.
Week 9 : Capacity of wireless channels, Waterfilling method, motivation for Multicarrier modulation
Week 10: Block transceivers with redundancy, Zero-padding, cyclic prefix, OFDM, extensions of OFDM incuding Filterbank Multicarrier (FBMC)
Week 11: Application of Multirate DSP – Delta Sigma A/D conversion
Week 12: Introduction to wavelets and M-channel perfect reconstruction filterbanks.

Taught by

Prof. R. David Koilpillai