Embedded Systems Design

Free Online Course
31 hours worth of material


COURSE OUTLINE: This course on Embedded systems will first the students to the fundamental requirements of embedded systems and the interaction between hardware and software in such systems. Next, the course will discuss some basic steps of hardware design, introduce the students to ASIPs, ASICs and FPGAs. Next, the students will be exposed to the very important issue of designing for less power consumption and introduce them to the techniques that are adopted to this end. Since many of the embedded systems will have real time constraints, basic issues of real time operating systems will be discussed. This will be followed by formal specification models and languages, mapping the specification to hardware and software components along with decisions on design tradeoffs and hardware software partitioning. Next, the synthesis of hardware and software along with a few of the optimization techniques will be presented. The course will end with a brief overview of design verification methods that are adopted for embedded system design.


General Purpose and ASIPs Processor.
Designing a Single Purpose Processor.
Optimization Issues.
Introduction to FPFA.
FPGA Contd..
Behaviour Synthesis on FPGA using VHDL.
Tutorial - I.
Tutorial - II.
Tutorial - III.
Tutorial - IV.
Sensors and Signals.
Discretization of Signals and A/D Converter.
Quantization Noise, SNR and D/A Converter.
Arduino Uno.
Arduino Uno (Contd.), Serial Communication and Timer.
Controller Design using Arduino.
Tutorial - V.
Power Aware Embedded System - I.
Power Aware Embedded System - II.
SD and DD Algorithm.
Parallel Operations and VLIW.
Code Efficiency.
DSP Application and Address Generation Unit.
Real Time O.S - I.
Real Time O.S - II.
RMS Algorithm.
EDF Algorithm and Resource Constraint Issue.
Priority Inversion and Priority Inheritance Protocol.
Modeling and Specification - I.
Modeling and Specification - II.
FSM and Statechart.
Statechart and Statemate Semantics.
Statecharts (Contd.).
Data Flow Model - I.
Data Flow Model - II.
Hardware Synthesis - I.
Hardware Synthesis - II.
Digital Camera Design.
Digital Camera - Iterative Design.
HW-SW Partitioning.
Optimization - I.
Optimization - II.
Formal Verification.

Taught by

Embedded Systems Design