Learn Docker - DevOps with Node.js & Express

Free Online Course
5 hours worth of material


Learn the core fundamentals of Docker by building a Node/Express app with a Mongo & Redis database.


Intro & demo express app.
Custom Images with Dockerfile.
Docker image layers & caching.
Docker networking opening ports.
Dockerignore file.
Syncing source code with bind mounts.
Anonymous Volumes hack.
Read-Only Bind Mounts.
Environment variables.
loading environment variables from file.
Deleting stale volumes.
Docker Compose.
Development vs Production configs.
Adding a Mongo Container.
Communicating between containers.
Express Config file.
Container bootup order.
Building a CRUD application.
Sign up and Login.
Authentication with sessions & Redis.
Architecture Review.
Nginx for Load balancing to multiple node containers.
Express CORS.
Installing docker on Ubuntu(Digital Ocean).
Setup Git.
Environment Variables on Ubuntu.
Deploying app to production server.
Pushing changes the hard way.
Rebuilding Containers.
Dev to Prod workflow review.
Improved Dockerhub workflow.
Automating with watchtower .
Why we need an orchestrator.
Docker Swarm.
Pushing changes to Swarm stack.

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