9-Axis IMU LESSON 1: Introduction to Nine Axis Sensors and Inertial Measurement Units with Arduino.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 2: Connecting and Getting Raw Data from the BNO055 9-Axis Sensor.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 3: Understanding How Accelerometers Work.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 4: Plotting Serial Data from Arduino with Control of Axis Scale.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 5: Calibrating the BNO055 9-axis Inertial Measurement Sensor.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 6: Determine Tilt From 3-axis Accelerometer.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 7: Understanding Low Pass Filters.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 8: Using Gyros for Measuring Rotational Velocity and Angle.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 9: Accurate and Stable Tilt Using Accelerometers, Gyros and a Complimentary Filter.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 10: Making a Tilt Compensated Compasswith Arduino.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 11: Install Python.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 12: Passing Data From Arduino to Python.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 13: Introduction to Visual Python (Vpython).
9-Axis IMU LESSON 14: Introduction to Animating Objects in Vpython.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 15: Dynamic 3D Visualizations in Vpython.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 16: How to Install and Configure Pyscripter.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 17: Review of Basic Trigonometry.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 18: Visualizing Pitch and Yaw in Vpython.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 19: Vpython Visualization of Pitch and Yaw.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 20: Vpython Visualization of Roll, Pitch, and Yaw.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 21: Visualizing 3D Rotations in Vpython using Quaternions.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 22: How to Create a Tilt Stabilized Platform with Arduino.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 23: Self Leveling Platform Using BNO055 and Arduino Controlled Servos.
Axis IMU LESSON 24: How To Build a Self Leveling Platform with Arduino.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 25: Proportional Control System for Self Leveling Platform.
9-Axis IMU LESSON 26: Understanding PID Control systems with Arduino.