Building A Real Estate Search App With GRANDstack

Free Online Course
14 hours worth of material


Using GraphQL, React, Apollo and Neo4j Database, we will build a real estate search application. Along the way, we will tackle issues such as data modeling and import, building a GraphQL API, authorization, and using 3rd party APIs.


Getting Started With Neo4j GraphQL & Netlify | Building a GRANDstack Real Estate Search App: Part 1.
Data modeling and import | Building A Real Estate Search App With GRANDstack: Part 2.
Geospatial Data With GraphQL | Building A Real Estate Search App With GRANDstack: Part 3.
More Geospatial GraphQL, GraphQL Architect | Building A Real Estate Search App w/ GRANDstack: Part 4.
Apollo React Hooks & Deploying To Aura | Building A Real Estate Search App w/ GRANDstack Part 5.
Building A Real Estate Search App w/ GRANDstack: Part 6 | Adding a map view and search results.
Custom Resolvers In Neo4j GraphQL & Photos | Building A Real Estate Search App w/ GRANDStack: Part 7.
Exploring Authorization With GraphQL & GRANDstack - Will Lyon on Twitch.
GraphQL Authorization With Auth0 | Building A Real Estate Search App w/ GRANDstack: Part 8.
Adding A Saved Properties Feature | Building A GRANDstack Real Estate Search App: Part 9 - Twitch.
GraphQL Mutations & Authorization With Auth0 | Building A GRANDstack Real Estate Search App: Part 10.

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