B.Ed (English) - Pedagogy of Teaching English

Free Online Course
Paid Certificate Available
15 weeks long


Pedagogy of teaching English is an advanced course which aims at empowering participants with contemporary theoretical developments in language teaching. It also aims at developing critical thinking skills among participants in teaching English as a second language. The course is designed to raise and consolidate awareness of the principles and practice of teaching English to secondary school students and adult learners. The participants of this course will be exposed to a variety of techniques and their theoretical bases in order to help them take appropriate decisions. The content and lessons of this course are organized in the following four core units of learning:1.Unit-I : Critical Reflections on ELT2. Unit-II : Constructing Discourses-I3. Unit-II : Constructing Discourses-II, and4. Unit: IV. Understanding Assessment/FeedbackThe duration of the course will be 13 weeks where the participant shall be dealing with 52 papers. Weekly assignments will be provided that are considered for the internals.

At the end of the course, student are expected to: 1. be able to reflect on the current practices in English language teaching .2. be able to draw insights from contemporary perspectives on language and language learning for designing pedagogical and classroom processes.3. be able to cognize language learning in terms of construction and production of discourse4. be able to acquire critical competencies to construe teaching and learning grammar from anti-behaviorist framework of mind.5. have a conceptual knowledge and effective application of various theories and procedures of assessment in classrooms.  


WEEK-01 objective 1. ELT Through Critical Lens2. Paradigm Shift in ELT3. Academic Standards – LSRW4. Discourse Gradation WEEK-02 objective 1. The Modular Approach2. The Pedagogy of Interaction3. Code switching as a pedagogic tool4. Graphic Reading for the Beginners WEEK-03 objective 1. Implications of Multiple Intelligences in Classroom2. Collaborative ELT classroom3. Brain based learning - 1 Theory and Applications4. Brain based learning - 2 Theory and Implications WEEK-04 objective 1. Brain based learning - 3 Design principles2. Brain based learning - 4 Pedagogical methodologies3. Specific Language Disabilities Part – 14. Specific Language Disabilities Part – 2 WEEK-05 objective 1. Pedagogy of Reading Level-012. The Pedagogy of Reading – level 53. Teaching Reading Pleasure to Skill4. Narrative as a Pedagogic Tool - Part – 1 WEEK-06 objective 1. Constructing Conversations -Part-22. Constructing Conversations part 23. Constructing Descriptions4. Constructing Narratives WEEK-07 objective 1. Constructing rhymes songs poems copy2. Choreography for critical appreciation of poems3. Choreography for critical appreciation of poems4. Choreography – Script Writing WEEK-08 objective 1. Integrating Language Skills2. Teaching pronunciation3. Teaching pronunciation – The Issues 14. Teaching pronunciation – The Issues 2 WEEK-09 objective 1. Producing speech sounds Part – 12. Producing speech sounds Part – 23. Classroom Theatre – Grades 3 to 54. Classroom theatre on social issues and themes WEEK-10 objective 1. Academic writing - Biographical sketches2. Academic writing – Letters3. Academic Writing- Essays4. Academic Writing- Report WEEK-11 objective 1. Teaching Grammar - To The Issues2. Teaching of Grammar - The Issues - Part – 23. Constructing Formal Grammar4. Assessment - The Issues part – 1 WEEK-12 objective 1. Assessment - The Issues part – 22. Editing Through Collaboration3. Editing written discourses – 14. Study skills and project work WEEK-13 objective 1. Low proficiency learners2. Assessment - Summative3. Assessment – Formative4. Feedback in ELT Class room  

Taught by

Prof. Sudhakar Venukapalli