Computational Thinking with Beginning C Programming

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Paid Course
Certificate Available
17 weeks long, 3 hours a week


This specialization is designed to let you explore computational thinking and beginning C programming topics, applying those concepts to develop solutions to a variety of practical problems.The first course assumes no programming experience, and throughout the 4 courses in the specialization you'll learn about both computational thinking and C programming. The material in the courses in the specialization is equivalent to our computational thinking course at UCCS.


Course 1: Algorithms, Data Collection, and Starting to Code
- Offered by University of Colorado System. This course starts you on your journey learning about computational thinking and beginning C ... Enroll for free.

Course 2: Data Analysis and Representation, Selection and Iteration
- Offered by University of Colorado System. This course is the second course in the specialization exploring both computational thinking and ... Enroll for free.

Course 3: Abstraction, Problem Decomposition, and Functions
- Offered by University of Colorado System. This course is the third course in the specialization exploring both computational thinking and ... Enroll for free.

Course 4: Simulation, Algorithm Analysis, and Pointers
- Offered by University of Colorado System. This course is the fourth and final course in the specialization exploring both computational ... Enroll for free.

Taught by

Dr. Tim "Dr. T" Chamillard