

The Metamorphosis of Samr

Age: 5 - 7
Tags: 习惯养成睡前故事励志成长

本书由奇想国童书出版,有道乐读录制出品。 本书荣获2017 年葡萄牙国家插画特别奖。 一天早晨,萨姆尔在床上醒来,发现自己变成了一头巨大的河马。 他的大脚穿不上任何一双鞋子,镜子里也照不下他的大鼻头了。 门外的妹妹在催促他去上学,萨姆尔心里越来越慌…… 到底发生了什么事? 对卡夫卡经典著作《变形记》的童真式改编,用轻松的心情面对成长中突如其来的焦虑感! First published in Portugal by Orfeu Negro ©2016 Orfeu Negro ©2016 Catarina Sobral The Simplified Chinese is published in arrangement through Niu Niu Culture Limited. Simplified Chinese translation copyright ©2017 by TB Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.

This book is published by the whimsical country children's book, Youdao music reading recording production. The book won the 2017 Portuguese National Special Prize for Illustration. One morning, Samr woke up in his bed and found himself transformed into a giant hippo. His big feet could not fit into any shoes, and his big nose could not be seen in the mirror. His sister outside was urging him to go to school, and Samr was getting more and more anxious... What the hell is going on? A childlike adaptation of Kafka's classic book Metamorphosis, with a relaxed mood to face the sudden anxiety of growing up! First published in Portugal by Orfeu Negro ©2016 Orfeu Negro ©2016 Catarina Sobral The Simplified Chinese is published in arrangement through Niu Niu Culture Limited. Simplified Chinese translation copyright ©2017 by TB Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.