

Small candy

Age: 7 - 8
Tags: 睡前故事奇想国

天黑了,刷过牙,睡觉时间到了。这时,小女孩看到一块黄色的小糖果。她好想吃啊……可是该睡觉了。怎么办呢?糖果看起来很冷,不如抱着它睡觉吧,可以万一化了怎么办?万一有爱吃糖果的怪兽来怎么办……故事细腻生动地描写了小姑娘面对糖果的种种内心活动,以及天马行空的想象力。 入选德国图书艺术基金会美丽童书;入选德国“白乌鸦”书目。

It's dark, brushed my teeth, and it's bedtime. Then the little girl saw a little yellow candy. She was craving it... But it's time for bed. What to do? Candy looks cold, it is better to sleep with it, can in case of melting? What if a candy loving monster comes along... The story exquisitely and vividly describes the little girl's inner activities in the face of candy, as well as her unrestrained imagination. Selected by the German Book Art Foundation beautiful children's books; Included in the German "White Crow" bibliography.