

Come on, come on!

Age: 5 - 7
Tags: 情绪管理幼儿启蒙认知

“该起床了,我的小宝贝!快起来,快点!” 每天早上,为了准时赶到学校,都有一场仗要打。 这是一个关于上学的生动而有趣的故事,笔触温柔而多层次。 它告诉我们,每件事情都有一个过程,总是着急并没有用。

"It's time to get up, my little darling! Get up, quick!" Every morning, there was a battle to be fought to get to school on time. This is a lively and funny story about going to school, gently written and multi-layered. It tells us that everything has a process and there is no use rushing all the time.