

I am very small.

Age: 5 - 7
Tags: 儿童文学大热IP励志成长

因为我很小,夜晚对我来说很黑很黑。 我点亮灯光,好让衣柜里的怪兽不害怕。 因为我很小,楼梯对我来说像一座陡峭的山。 但是我可以攀、爬、跳,然后再滑下去。 我很小,但是我并不孤单, 因为我不孤单,我甚至感觉自己很高大。

Because I am very small, the night is very dark to me. I light the lights so that the monsters in the closet are not afraid. Because I am small, the stairs are like a steep mountain for me. But I can climb, climb, jump, and slide down. I'm small, but I'm not alone. Because I'm not alone, I even feel tall.